As an accredited Phrontex consultancy, we implement and support Phrontex systems and projects.
Phrontex is a web application for managing corporate knowledge. It replaces the organization’s policies and procedures documentation (the traditional “library of documents”) with a database of knowledge items presented as a website: simple, integrated, easy to use, easy to maintain and audit, and strictly controlled. Phrontex delivers:
Better governance. Use Phrontex to manage your regulatory, ISO, and accreditation requirements in a single, integrated system. Be confident that your organization is aware of its obligations and is doing everything it should to meet them. And you can prove it.
Better documentation. Use Phrontex to define and communicate the information your personnel need to do their work as intended: safely, legally, and in compliance with your policies and requirements.
Most organizations have awful documentation. Phrontex solves this problem.
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